What to do in case of an Adobe Illustrator upgrade?

Re-install the Datylon for Illustrator in case of a major Adobe Illustrator upgrade.

When you install a major upgrade of Adobe Illustrator CC, it is important to re-install Datylon for Illustrator afterwards. It is recommended to install the latest version, which can always be downloaded from our website. There is no need to uninstall the plugin before re-installing.

To clarify, an Adobe upgrade is classified as a major upgrade when the first digit behind the point is increased. For example, going from version 26.1.1 to 26.2.0 would be considered a major upgrade.

If you need more detailed instructions on how to install Datylon for Illustrator, we have provided additional information in the given article. This will guide you through the installation process and ensure you have the latest version up and running smoothly.

We understand the importance of keeping up with the latest upgrades and features, so we encourage you to stay informed and regularly update Datylon for Illustrator to benefit from the latest enhancements and bug fixes. If you have any further questions or encounter any issues during the installation process, our support team is always here to assist you.