How to add totals in Datylon stacked bar and area chart

Learn how to add totals labels in Datylon stacked and area bar chart.

In the given example we will show how to add labels showing totals of a stacked Bar chart. The same steps are applicable to the Area chart.

Method 1: Totals labels only

1. Create a new or use an existing stacked Bar (Area) chart.



2. Add a new column/row featuring the sum of the values of all the series.

This column can be calculated in a spreadsheet editor of your choice using a SUM function. After the calculations are complete the new data can be imported or just copy-pasted to the table in Datylon.


3. To add the labels of the total values this column needs to be bound to the Data Labels of the last series stack (in this given case it is New Series 3).


4. Then show the labels of the series to which the totals were bound to: Styling > Series > New Series 3 > Data Labels > Eye icon > On. 



Method 2: Series & totals labels using Overlay

1. Create a new or use an existing stacked Bar (Area) chart.datylon-how-to-add-totals-1

2. Add a new column/row featuring the sum of the values of all the series.

This column can be calculated in a spreadsheet editor of your choice using a SUM function. After the calculations are complete the new data can be imported or just copy-pasted to the table in Datylon.


3. To place separate labels for every bar turn on Data Labels and then change the location of Data Labels to "Inside End" under Styling > Data Labels > Smart Labels > Location 

4. Create new series and bind the "Totals" column to "X". The new total bar has the same length as the sum previous three bars.

5. To hide the "Totals" bar go to Styling > Series > New Series 4 and turn on Overlay Series property. To hide the bar change its Color to None.

6. Next step is adjusting the total labels. First change the location of the labels: Styling > Series > New Series 4 > Data Labels > Smart Labels > Location > Outside End. Then change the font size of the label so that the difference between regular bar labels and total bar labels is visible: Styling > Series > New Series 4 > Data Labels > Character > Typeface > Size.