Datylon R45 - Release Notes | 2021 May 25

Datylon for Illustrator and Datylon web app

Multi-select: Style your charts even faster

This release of Datylon for Illustrator and the Datylon online chart maker allows you to select multiple charts of the same type and change the common properties all at once. Particularly useful in a production environment and for small multiples. 


We were inspired by the many users who requested this feature.

If you are designing charts regularly, save yourself a lot of time and read the specific article on how to use it.

Other improvements

  • Pie chart: 
    • Slice strokes are layered on top of Pie strokes. This renders the strokes more logically when using data point styling. In Datylon editor, see Slices > Stroke, Pie > Stroke > Circumference and Pie > Stroke > Radius.
    • When selecting Max number of slices (previously Amount) now also the sorting property is taken into account. 
  • Bullet chart, Text object: 
    • Improved label behaviour. 
  • Datylon web app
    • A refreshed look and feel with nice vibrant colors for your inspiration. 
  • Bug fixes, increased stability and user interface refinements.  

Help Center

We started a new section in our Help Center with detailed information about all chart properties per chart type. Currently for Datylon Pie chart, Line chart and Heatmap but more to come soon. Check it out here